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A Healing Space to Integrate Western Science and Eastern Wisdom

I have worked for many years as a nurse in the New York City, mostly in Emergency, with rotations in Pediatric and Psychiatric, as well as NeoNatal ICU.  I have seen people of all colors, social background and from elderly to new born.  I have held people's hands when they were in their lowest times, and cried in joy with new mothers at their highest moments.   Through my experience I came to realize the only way for true healing is absolute non-judgment and acceptance. 


I respect the human heart in all and base my practice on creating a healing relation. 


A healing space, deep listening, empathy and individual care are essential componants of holistic nursing.  Offering pain relief alone is not the answer, although in many instances is part of the treatment.  There is a broader vision connecting us in this process that includes our consciousness, how we change and come to realize and let go of patterns that are not serving us, and move towards creating relations that help us manifest our potentials and reach our aspirations. 


Through my experience I came to realize the Western system alone is not answering all the questions of most patients.  A lot of patients keep coming to the hospital day after day, without getting their problems resolved.  Sometimes the problem is simply a backache, sometimes addiction, or a more complicated social issue.  Since I started practicing holistic modalities such as Reiki, Cranio-Sacral and finally accupuncture, I noticed I am able to take in all of these aspects into the practice. 





Holistic Nursing Consultation


  • Are you confused or scared about your new medications, their side effects or interactions?

  • Are you unsure of the procedures you need to go through?

  • Do you need someone to explain the medical terminology?

  • Are you considering mixing your treatments with integrative therapies but don't know where to start from?

  • Do you have questions about the food you need to eat or refrain from?


As a nurse/acupuncturist I can help you with your experience of Western Medicine, as well as the Eastern approaches to health and healing.


In Holistic Medicine there is no separation between body and mind.  The energy, body sensations and emotions are as valid as physical attributes in creating illness.  Long before the problem is able to be diagnosed by the imaging technology, the roots of it are in an emotional pattern, a life style habit, or can be as simple as an improper posture.




There is a lack of harmony between the body, mind and heart in our lives.  Filled with desires and obsessions, detached from nature, and with minds that are busy with trivial information, our energy is not flowing properly.  We get stuck in emotional patterns that we deny or simply are not able to see.  We hold our breath, tighten our muscles, eat greasy and spicy food, sleep poorly, and do not digest our food properly.  We place unnecessary stress on our body/minds and accumulate toxins that eventually all turn into physical illnesses. 


I believe we can gradually become more aware of our habitual patterns that are the real causes of our ailments, causing the blockages and held up tensions, and little by little change into more free beings, living harmoniously with ourselves, those around us and Nature... 


And finally be more radiant, aware and alive.

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