
Maryam Wootan Maryam Wootan

The Body Knows

“Where did this chest pain come from?…. I was so happy. I made my decision and felt at peace with it. Then suddenly woke up with this pain in my chest, out of left field.”

I have always been fascinated with blind spots. Maybe it’s my scorpio nature that wants to dig in and shed light on the darkest corners we hide even from ourselves….

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Healing from Burnout

For those of us who work in healthcare, or are care givers at home, the feeling of burn out is familiar. If we are lucky it only lasts in waves…

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Grief in Chinese Medicine

I lost my father to a traumatic event two months ago. I feel the wave of grief, coming and going. Some days more intense, some days...

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Happy Spring Cleaning

I invite you to sit down and take a look around you. Let's take an inventory of our life. Look at the room where you are sitting...

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Tongue in Chinese Medicine

Every morning when I wake up, before I eat or brush my teeth, I look at my tongue in the mirror. I suggest that you include this ritual...

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Happy Spring

Time to celebrate Spring and all its promises. According to Chinese philosophy and medicine, spring corresponds with the liver organ, the...

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Olivia Bolger Olivia Bolger

Chinese Medicine and COVID-19

There was so much controversy in the past weeks about the role of China and the spread of Covid-19. Unfortunately we witnessed some...

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